Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Today's Thought - Adversity

Proverbs 24:10 – “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.”

Walt Disney made dreams come true, but he occasionally encountered some nightmares of his own—times when everything went wrong for him. Out of his struggles he developed an optimistic philosophy. “All the adversity I’ve had in my life,” he said, “all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me.” (Source: The Quotable Walt Disney. Disney Enterprises, Inc., 2001).

The strengthening power of adversity is universally true. Sports teams don’t win without opposition. Wisdom isn’t gained without mistakes. Leaders don’t rise to greatness without crises and tough times.

Don’t faint in the day of adversity. Remember a person’s moral strength is only seen when it is truly tested. The Lord draws near to us in tough times and helps us trust Him in days of difficulty. Hardship is sometimes a help to holiness, and roadblocks are signposts directing us in a better way. Lean on the Lord in adversity, learn from Him, and let Him lead you through it.

Have a blessed day!

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We've heard about the "Loneliest Road in America" that we decided to take a trip on this road. In July of 1986, Life magazine ...