The 54-foot tall, 14-by-14-foot tower.
Kingman Airport Cafe
This field was a training site for some 36,000 military personnel during World War II. Between 1946 and 1948, seven thousand aircraft were melted down to 70,000,000 pounds of aluminum. There is a great little cafe (Kingman Airport Cafe) and the original watch tower remains (one of very few WWII watch towers that still exist today).
Few miles stretch of Route 66 is Antares Point, home of Giganticus Headicus. The purpose of this 14-foot tall Tiki head was placed on Route 66 is unknown, but it is definitely the type of kitschy Americana that makes Route 66 road trip special. My understanding is that in October the Giganticus Headicus is painted pink for the breast cancer awareness month.
Formerly Kozy Corner Trail Park
Art by Gregg Arnold
Art by Gregg Arnold
Art by Gregg Arnold
This is a "Wishing Bell 'Fertility' Ring for Good Luck!" by Gregg Arnold
The signs sates: "It's for sale."
I'm sure there is room for one more mailbox
These arts/sculptures were created by Gregg Arnold in 2003 and 2004. Antares Point is along the longest continuous curve on U.S. Hwy (approx. 2 miles) and offers fantastic views into the Arizona desert.
Thanks for reading and enjoying our photos. Stay safe. Until next journey, blessings!