We visited the quintessential fast-food restaurant in Downey, about a 15-minute drive southeast from downtown Los Angeles, CA. This is the oldest McDonald's restaurant in the world.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The Oldest McDonald’s - Downey, CA
Liberty Sculpture Park, "Fight for Freedom," in Yermo, CA
Driving north from Los Angeles, CA we stopped at the Liberty Sculpture Park off I-15 exit 194 in Yermo, CA. This patch of land is dedicated to art by Weiming Chen, that spreads the message for freedom.
There by the garish ice cream sundae water tank, is a wired fence with the plaque "Lennon Wall." Here we saw many wooden plaques of individuals stating their opinion/understanding of the Chinese Communist.
The massacre took place on 6/4/1989. The numberers are 6.4 meters tall (20.0094 feet), and they are set at a 64-degree angle and the sculpture is 6,400 miles from the massacre site in Tiananmen Square.
Title "Tank Man," it's a life-size version of the famous photograph of an unidentified man, holding a briefcase, defiantly standing in front of a column of Tiananmen Square tanks. Chen made the men out of 1,300 pounds of bronze-painted concrete. He wanted a real tank, but last-minute delays forced him to build one from scratch out of steel, wood, fiberglass, plaster, and plastic foam.
Crazy Horse, is a 15-foot-high head of the Native American leader.
My understanding is that the artist Chen will dedicate one or two sculptures every year at this Liberty Sculpture Park. When we visited there was no one else around, we hope as people drive on I-15 will see the sculptures and stop for knowledge as well as be encouraged to fight for freedom.
Thank you for traveling with us.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Today's Thought - "Our Mind"
Romans 12:2 – “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Dr. Martin Luther King once told of riding the bus across town every day to attend high school. In those days blacks were required to sit at the backs of buses while whites sat in the front. Even if there were not any white people on the bus, blacks still could not sit in the front. If all the “black seats” were occupied, riders had to stand over the empty seats reserved for whites. “I would end up having to go to the back of that bus with my body,” said Dr. King, “but every time I got on the back of that bus I left my mind up on the front seat. And I said to myself, ‘One of these days, I’m going to put my body up there where my mind is.’” (Source: Clayborne Carson, ed., The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. New York: Warner Books, 1998, p. 9).
Our brains are a complex aspect of God’s creation, and our minds are the fountainhead of our lives. Marcus Aurelius wrote, “The most important things in life are the thoughts you choose to think.” Dale Carnegie, “If I knew what you think, I would know what you are. Our thoughts make us what we are.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.” Marcus Aurelius added, “Our life is what our thought make it.” (Source: Keith Hunt, “The Armor of God to Battle Satan #5.” In Keithhunt.com, Apr. 2009).
Every temptation comes to us via our thoughts, making the mind the battleground of the soul. Decartes said, “I think, therefore I am.” Transform your mind by the renewing of your thoughts. The Greek word for “transformed” is metemorpho from which we get our word metamorphosis. We experience an inner metamorphosis as our minds are renewed by God’s Spirit and His Word.
Have a blessed day!
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Coca Cola Store, Las Vegas
Few days ago, we made a trip down to the Las Vegas Strip and enjoyed walking around the Las Vegas Coca Cola Store.
This store has everything imaginable items related to Coca Cola.
From hats to shirts to mugs to glass to magnets to other souvenirs, this store is for the Coca Cola lovers.
We've spent the time simply wandering around this nostalgic store to cool down from a hot Las Vegas day and enjoy Coca Cola items.
Loneliest Road in America and Beyond
We've heard about the "Loneliest Road in America" that we decided to take a trip on this road. In July of 1986, Life magazine ...
We stopped at the Riverside, Iowa, that has a claim-to-fame for the Star Trek fans. As we drove into the town, there are banners on the pole...
This Carpenter Gothic style chapel was once in the middle of the Las Vegas Stip. By the late 1970s, it was one of sixteen wedding chapels in...
Few days ago, we made a trip down to the Las Vegas Strip and enjoyed walking around the Las Vegas Coca Cola Store. This store has everything...